Policy expert. Ph.D. in political science with a concentration in public law. Recent policy interests include substance misuse, education policy, transforming higher education, federalism, and energy. Into music, especially jazz from Duke Ellington to Pat Metheny. Also, Paul Simon is one of the best songwriters to walk the earth. That's just a fact.

Former Chancellor of the State University of NY, Director of State Operations for NYS, President of Empire State College, and Chair of the NYS Reimagine Education Commission. Likes to think differently about how to solve policy and other pressing issues facing society. Dad to two great kids--the Boy and the Girl. Questionable judgment in liking the NY Jets of New Jersey.

Jim Malatras

Jim Malatras

Policy expert. Into music. Former Chancellor of the State University of NY, Director of State Operations for NYS, & Chair of the NYS Reimagine Edu Commission.